I have a notebook that always accompanies me on overnight stays into the haematology ward. This is where I write down reminders: which hospital food must never be eaten again (a daily occurrence), what to do if I’m bored and can’t think of something to do (rarely used), and the building up of evidence of a vampire colony.
I couldn’t help myself. It is a natural combination like the moon and stars. If a vampire worked in a hospital, it would be to access blood. What better place than working on a haematology ward, a blood transfusion clinic or similar. Also patients can’t run away. They are stuck in their rooms attached to IV infusions of various sorts. Perfect for those vampires who don’t enjoy the thrill of hunting down their victims. They just want a bit of blood as needed to keep topped up. The cannula’s can be carefully placed over fang marks on the hands. No-one would know. I’ve become the equivalent of a human pin cushion with the numbers of cannulas that have been stuck into my hands. I am unable to tell which puncture mark is a cannula and which could be a fang.
Initially I had hoped that transitioning to being a vampire could be a cure for blood cancer. Apparently it isn’t. Whilst a vampire couldn’t catch AML from drinking my blood, it isn’t as rich and satisfying owing to the lack of blood cells. I suspect vampires are more interested in non-malignant haematology where the sheer range of blood diseases may make be ideal for those into gourmet blood cocktails.
So far I have 17 notes of circumstantial evidence. That’s a lot. Enough to be concerned about but not enough for me to present to Police Scotland without being laughed out of the local station. For example, why is it that none of the menu options contain garlic? It’s cheap and adds great flavour to many dishes? Clearly it is all about keeping the coven supplied with clean blood.
Thus when I wrote Blood Lines, there are a couple of poems specifically about vampires and a couple more which reference them. The photos are of my initial note-taking back in 2021. Your thoughts would be welcomed - is it inflammation of my imagination or could my theory be worthy of further consideration…
You continue to amaze me Juliet. Wonderful insight, all-be-it inferred! I love your candid commentry, so you, generously sharing the light side of it all. I think you have a book in the making!
I definitely think you're on to something 🤔. And I live this poem! It's the perfect place for a vamp to hide out. If you do decide to take it to the local constabulary please, please video it .. heehee!