You continue to amaze me Juliet. Wonderful insight, all-be-it inferred! I love your candid commentry, so you, generously sharing the light side of it all. I think you have a book in the making!

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Giggle - thanks Michelle. I'm making light of the potentially darker side to a haematology ward.

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I definitely think you're on to something 🤔. And I live this poem! It's the perfect place for a vamp to hide out. If you do decide to take it to the local constabulary please, please video it .. heehee!

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Yes - I will give it further consideration re handing over evidence to the police. Perhaps I'll be ready by April 1st to present once I've done some pulling together of more evidence.

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A very auspicious day I feel Juliet 😊 xx

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Oh Juliet, your musings about vampires made me laugh, grimly. After all the vampires in my hospital ward finished with me (hah) they decided to take some blood back. Too much iron in there. So out came the needles, in with the pokes, and soon, on the floor (it drains by gravity, you know. One constant in an inconstant world?) there lay a nice fat bag of blood. The nurse joked that a vampire would be quite pleased, before she put it in the hazardous materials bin. That’s where the vampires live, I’m convinced. One day a nurse spilled the bag on the floor and then said it looked like a murder had taken place in my cubicle. I was not amused. Finally, after months and bags, I was deemed acceptable in the ferro-magnetic world. For now.

Your writings make me realize that my big room, with its couch for sleeping a caregiver, was really lovely in the scheme of things. On the 11th floor, facing east, the window was waist height to ceiling and across one wall. Imprisoned, but with a sunrise every morning. And at night since it was January and clear, I could see Orion hunting in the sky. Or perhaps he was the hunted….During the day, helicopters came and went, transporting the desperately ill across their own rivers.

I love your writing! Keep at it!

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Thank you Susan for adding to the circumstantial evidence from a different hospital. Yes, blood goes everywhere when it spills. It must take some will power from any vampires not to immediately lick it up. But I do believe they will provide training on temptation and protocols. I hope though, that the removal of blood has reduced your iron levels. It's interesting that the bag of blood was purportedly disposed of into a bin and then the nurse "joked" - clever tactic but perhaps not clever enough

I was on the 7th floor and the sunrises would be spectacular in the eastern facing rooms. I don't know if the Stellarium app is available in the US but it shows the outline of the different Greek animals and peoples as well as the stars themselves.

Thanks for your comment.

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Yes, I love Stellarium!❤️ and the iron levels are close enough for now.

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Definitely vampires in hospitals ;)

See streaming series “Discovery of Witches” or the original book series of the same title. Keep writing! Love it!

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How interesting that you feel this given you are based in the US. Clearly it is not simply a UK phenomenon. I will look for the series/book to widen my knowledge and understanding.

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I like your thinking….!

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Phew! I was a bit concerned about overthinking all of this!

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