Exactly - I also think we have moments when we're down but a flash of beauty or a humorous incident or something else happens. So it's rarely fully one emotion or another.
It’s dreary here too… but without winter there is no spring, and even in winter there is beautiful find. Editing the collection must be hard indeed, so keep the cut ones coming here!
Agreed - lots to love about winter too. I'm about to start an online course studying lichens via the FSC and that's consistently beautiful all year round which is partly why I chose it.
Hi Juliet, I value all of your poems. I think that being human and really honest, as you are, is important to share. The dark side is the flip side of the light and cheery, and there is also the grey inbetween. If you love and feel deeply you also hurt deeply, there is no escaping it. Thank you for all that you share and don't change your style of writing, or worry about how much of one side of the spectrum of life you share as opposed to the other. Keep writing what's in your heart and mind x
Thanks Michelle. I'm also grateful to you and others who do kindly support from afar as well as near. I hope you have a heartwarming weekend in some way.
I love this and truly believe without the shadow we can't have the upbeat. In fact all my fave poets...years, dickinson, heaney, whyte, oliver, Duffy, angelou, rilke, were and are do amazing because of the dark side of being human and experiencing loss, anxiety etc etc...so I'd say keep that balance and yes bring on more of your illumination of the stuff we numb and hide from...thankyou juliet for naming this...
Well I've written a lot worse gloom and doom stuff I do admit. I suppose in a poem one word or phrase can turn the meaning of a poem on its head...! It was a hard call for me to remove it from the collection - a tough cut!
I've been reading Environmental Arts Therapy and the Tree of Life by Iain Siddons Hegginworth and involved in a tiny practice group... Tuning in to deep churning emotions, using the seasons to enter into a journey of inner reflection, processing and healing... I'm going to really enjoy your book... Thank you for sharing your journey 🙏
I related to the poem. My dark days of which I don’t have that many. Feel like several days of gloomy weather.
I don’t always feel like being positive. If we didn’t have gloomy dull days of weather or feeling, what comparison would we have for the better days ?
Exactly - I also think we have moments when we're down but a flash of beauty or a humorous incident or something else happens. So it's rarely fully one emotion or another.
It’s dreary here too… but without winter there is no spring, and even in winter there is beautiful find. Editing the collection must be hard indeed, so keep the cut ones coming here!
Agreed - lots to love about winter too. I'm about to start an online course studying lichens via the FSC and that's consistently beautiful all year round which is partly why I chose it.
Hi Juliet, I value all of your poems. I think that being human and really honest, as you are, is important to share. The dark side is the flip side of the light and cheery, and there is also the grey inbetween. If you love and feel deeply you also hurt deeply, there is no escaping it. Thank you for all that you share and don't change your style of writing, or worry about how much of one side of the spectrum of life you share as opposed to the other. Keep writing what's in your heart and mind x
Thanks Michelle. I'm also grateful to you and others who do kindly support from afar as well as near. I hope you have a heartwarming weekend in some way.
People without seasons don’t have the reasons…to hope.
Our winter of heavy whiteness
Hides the signs of spring’s brightness.
Love that wee poem. Thanks Cathy.
I love this and truly believe without the shadow we can't have the upbeat. In fact all my fave poets...years, dickinson, heaney, whyte, oliver, Duffy, angelou, rilke, were and are do amazing because of the dark side of being human and experiencing loss, anxiety etc etc...so I'd say keep that balance and yes bring on more of your illumination of the stuff we numb and hide from...thankyou juliet for naming this...
Thanks Jon. I feel that a lot. There's an equanimity around holding a range of feeling simultaneously - and the interplay can be bittersweet.
I don’t find this negative or gloomy at all Juliet but maybe because I find beauty in the winter solitude too!
But perhaps my poetry is also a wee bit gloomy!!
Well I've written a lot worse gloom and doom stuff I do admit. I suppose in a poem one word or phrase can turn the meaning of a poem on its head...! It was a hard call for me to remove it from the collection - a tough cut!
This is beautiful.
I've been reading Environmental Arts Therapy and the Tree of Life by Iain Siddons Hegginworth and involved in a tiny practice group... Tuning in to deep churning emotions, using the seasons to enter into a journey of inner reflection, processing and healing... I'm going to really enjoy your book... Thank you for sharing your journey 🙏
That's fascinating Soozy. The books sounds great and to have a practice group will definitely add value.
This was a very meaningful poem, especially the reminder of the Robin finding nourishment on a grey day. Thank you for posting it!
Thanks Jana - agreed. Also the robins are so often here on dreich days watching what one is up to!